Selected by Bavovna, for integration

RT-2087/ZPX – IFF Mode 5 Transponder

IFF Mode 5 Transponder with Mode S and ADS-B (UAS Groups 1-5)

RT-2087/ZPX – IFF Mode 5 Transponder

RT-2087/ZPX is the world’s lowest-SWaP AIMS Certified Combat ID and Air Traffic Control surveillance transponder.

Designed to satisfy IFF Transponder, Mode S, and ADS-B requirements, RT-2087/ZPX allows tactical UAS to operate in both battlefield conditions and controlled civil airspace.

The secure system can be combined with a micro-crypto appliqué for the latest NATO Mode 5 encryption capabilities. Options include an integrated ADS-B receiver and ethernet connectivity.

Size 83 x 47 x 12 mm
Weight 53 g
Power Consumption 3.5W continuous, 4W peak (8 ms max)
1090 MHz Transmit Power 250 W (54 dBm)

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