Selected by Bavovna, for integration


Fully autonomous hybrid VTOL UAS for long-endurance ISR


The VXE30 VTOL is the latest and most advanced version of the “Stalker” series UAS. It is a fully autonomous hybrid VTOL UAS designed for long-endurance imaging and ISR missions. Practically silent at close range, the small UAS features an extremely small logistical footprint, fitting in an SUV or pickup truck and able to be assembled and launched in under an hour.

The system can be equipped with a rechargeable battery, or a solid oxide propane-powered fuel cell for enhanced endurance. Designed as a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) platform, the non-ITAR unmanned aircraft can be equipped with multiple field-swappable payloads simultaneously.

Wingspan 4.9m (16 ft)
MTOW 20 kg (44 lbs)
Flight Ceiling 4572m (15000 ft)
Flight Endurance 8+ hrs
Comms Range Up to 160 km
Speed 30+ kts cruise
50+ kts max

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