Selected by Bavovna, for integration

Falconet Counter-UAS

Aerial counter-drone system with ballistic countermeasures

Falconet Counter-UAS

Falconet is a cutting-edge aerial counter-UAS platform designed to quickly and efficiently engage and neutralize a wide range of modern drone threats, particularly at low altitudes and high speeds. Featuring sophisticated onboard detection sensors and advanced target trajectory prediction algorithms, it can host a variety of ballistic countermeasures including shotgun and fragmentation rounds.

The robust system can be deployed from both ground and marine platforms, making it an ideal frontline defense asset. Designed with swarming capabilities, it can be seamlessly integrated into existing counter-UAS and defense infrastructures for charging and human-in-the-loop target engagement.


Flight Time: 10 mins
Dash Speed: 180 km/h
Environmental: -20°C to 43°C operational temperature range
24 Knots max wind resistance
0.5 to 8mm/h rain

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