Selected by Bavovna, for integration

Piglet MUAS

Medium unmanned aerial system with built-in ballistics calculator

Piglet MUAS

The Piglet is a medium-sized UAS designed to provide a versatile and highly maneuverable aerial capability for complex military and tactical applications. Featuring a unique tilt-rotor system that provides more robust and direct control than traditional gimbal technologies, the large-capacity drone can carry a weapons systems such as rifles and grenade launchers, and incorporates an advanced ballistics calculator that can achieve 15cm groupings at ranges of 1000 meters.

The rugged weatherproof platform can also be equipped with EO/IR sensors for ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance), and can serve as a mothership capability for up to three nano-UAS. The BLOS-capable aircraft utilizes an AES-256 encrypted and EW (electronic warfare)-protected datalink, and is compatible with BMS and ATAK for seamless integration into existing defense ecosystems.


Takeoff Weight: 18 kg (no payload)
Flight Time: Up to 40 mins
ISR Sensor Kit: Dual EO Sensors – 1920×1080 & 3840×2160
Dual LWIR Sensors – 640×512, 35 & 14mm Lenses
Laser pointer
Environmental: -20°C to 43°C operational temperature range
18 Knots max wind resistance
0.5 to 5mm/h rain

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