ai navigation

How AI Revolutionizes Aerial Navigation: 3 Innovative Use Cases

Machine learning and deep learning are staples in many industries. Ground transportation systems use predictive algorithms to optimize travel flows, predict congestion, and improve fuel usage. The sky’s the new limit. 

Impressive advances in AI navigation move from research labs to the mainstream, promising greater reliability, safety, and efficiency to aeronautics.

Inertial AI navigation for UAVs in GPS-compromised environments

GPS signal, necessary for most UAV operations, can be unavailable after a natural disaster or in military situations., a graduate of the US Air Force Labs Mass Challenge acceleration program, is developing an AI-powered PNT navigation system for aerial, surface, and subsurface vehicles.

AI navigation for UAVs drones

Designed for dual use, Bavovna’s inertial navigation system uses sensor fusion and pre-trained ML/DL algorithms to offer autonomous operations. Thanks to hardened core electronics, the system is resistant to common electromagnetic warfare threats. It’s also a low-SWaP solution with minimal power requirements and weight, suitable for UAV models and Class II aerial vehicles.

During trials, the Aurelia X6 Max multicopter could fly autonomously without remote control, GPS, or any other communication, collect location intelligence, and return to the home position. Bavovna AI navigation system aims for a 0.5% positioning error, even in complex journeys up to 30 miles (48 km). The team is working to extend the system use cases to cover Signals Intelligence, mine detection, automatic target engagement, and security surveillance.

AI copilots for commercial aviation flights

Modern aircraft have highly sophisticated autopilot systems to help pilots control altitude, course, thrust, and navigation. However, the onslaught of alerts and system interfaces requiring the pilot’s attention can be intimidating. NASA estimated that 34 different competing activities distract or preoccupy the pilots, ranging from communication to searching for VMC traffic. These can lead to human errors and dangerous consequences.

AI airflow traffic management

Air-Guardian, a new MIT CSAIL project, aims to improve the HMI of existing autopilot systems to ensure safer operations. The AI system uses eye-tracking to detect pilot distraction and “saliency maps” to understand aircraft behavior.

Based on a continuous-depth neural network model, the copiloting system can identify early signs of risks and take over the controls when needed. During trials, the Air Guardian system reduced flight risks and improved navigation success.

Advanced airflow traffic management to clear up congestion 

Unforeseen events like bad weather conditions adversely affect air traffic, causing congestion in a specific sector of the air navigation space. This, in turn, affects all network participants, leading to a cascade effect of delayed flights. 

AI airflow traffic management

Co-funded by the European Union and led by the Universita Ta Malta, the ASTRA project is short for AI-enabled tactical FMP hotspot prediction and resolution. The goal is to improve the prediction of air traffic congestion areas one hour in advance and suggest optimal resolution paths to traffic controllers.

The prediction algorithm will be trained on historical data (from 2019 to today) from the EUROCONTROL organization. The AI navigation system will provide FMPs with prescriptive scenarios to optimize flow management positions, ensuring safety, efficiency, lower fuel consumption, and environmental impacts.

AI has untapped potential in airborne navigation, and we expect more innovation in sensor fusion, AI-powered PNT, and aerial traffic management to happen in the next several years. 


AI GPS/INS Integration: The Path Forward to Better Navigation

GPS and INS are core components of global navigation systems, but both have inherent limitations. GPS is prone to signal blockage and jamming, as well as reflection on buildings and terrains, leading to signal distortion and poor position estimation. Signal accuracy also degrades at high speeds and rapid directional changes, making it less reliable for ultra-fast UAVs.

INS sensors are prone to drift due to poor initial calibration or sensor noise caused by mechanical vibration, temperature variations, cross-axis sensitivity, and wear. They also require periodic recalibration, especially for high-precision positioning.

Different machine learning and deep learning methods can improve GPS/INS signal reliability and quality—and, in some cases, even fully replace it.

The new era of Inertial navigation and AI GPS systems  

Artificial neural networks have already demonstrated strong results in real-time object recognition and signal processing in the automotive and manufacturing sectors. AI GPS in navigation systems are the next frontier.

gps inertial navigation

Researchers tested different deep learning algorithms to optimize inertial sensing and sensor fusion tasks for land, aerial, and maritime vehicles. One group developed visual-inertial odometry (VIO), an integrated inertial and image sensor fusion technique based on deep learning to predict the UAS’s position with 0.167 Mean Square Error (RMSE).

Another group successfully used a convolutional neural network (CNN) to analyze noise information from the inertial measurement units using the Kalman filter, which improves the position and orientation estimation of the navigation system. Validation on real data from an autonomous underwater vehicle showed a 35.4% higher position accuracy than conventional methods.

AI GPS effectively compensates for individual sensor limitations by enabling rapid data processing from auxiliary sources. By leveraging an array of sensors and integrating AI algorithms, the vehicle can autonomously recalibrate, correct positional data, and operate smoothly in signal-compromised environments.

Advantages of AI-assisted navigation:

  • Higher situational awareness and adaptability 
  • Reduced dependence on satellite infrastructure 
  • Lower vulnerability to signal jamming
  • Better performance on complex terrain 
  • Smarter collision detection and prevention 
  • Improved coordination for drone swarms 

Real-world applications of AI sensor fusion for navigation 

At Bavovna, we’ve been developing a new AI-powered PNT navigation system to enhance existing inertial navigation systems of UAVs. By using AI for sensor fusion, Bavovna’s algorithms can safely pilot vehicles at high speeds and complex trajectories, even in GPS-compromised environments.

During a recent test, we successfully piloted a Radiobird Defender 001, a multi-weather VTOL, through its 30-km flying mission with an end-point positioning error of 0.42-0.63% on average.  

ai gps

Sensor fusion from the onboard IMU array and airspeed provided navigation. We use sensors like a compass and barometer, with analysis performed on the edge using Bavovna AI Navigation Kit. We use a proprietary Kalman filtration algorithm and fine-tuned sensor fusion neural network trained on 100 hours of fight logs minimum.

SWaP efficient, the hardware kit is enclosed in a protective enclosure to minimize environmental and electromagnetic warfare impacts. The core electronics are also hardened with an EMI composite shield (-92 dBA/mm). 

AI algorithms and sensor fusion enable a higher degree of precision comparable to GPS and GNSS but with more reliability and resilience. This results in more efficient drone operations due to enhanced autonomy, obstacle avoidance, and route optimization, even in GPS-denied environments.